
perfmetrics.testing provides a testing client for verifying StatsD metrics emitted by perfmetrics in the context of an instrumented application.

It’s easy to create a new client for use in testing:

>>> from perfmetrics.testing import FakeStatsDClient
>>> test_client = FakeStatsDClient()

This client exposes the same public interface as perfmetrics.statsd.StatsdClient. For example we can increment counters, set gauges, etc:

>>> test_client.incr('request_c')
>>> test_client.gauge('active_sessions', 320)

Unlike perfmetrics.statsd.StatsdClient, FakeStatsDClient simply tracks the statsd packets that would be sent. This information is exposed on our test_client both as the raw statsd packet, and for convenience this information is also parsed and exposed as Observation objects. For complete details see FakeStatsDClient and Observation.

>>> test_client.packets
['request_c:1|c', 'active_sessions:320|g']
>>> test_client.observations
[Observation(name='request_c', value='1', kind='c', sampling_rate=None), Observation(name='active_sessions', value='320', kind='g', sampling_rate=None)]

For validating metrics we provide a set of PyHamcrest matchers for use in test assertions:

>>> from hamcrest import assert_that
>>> from hamcrest import contains_exactly as contains
>>> from perfmetrics.testing.matchers import is_observation
>>> from perfmetrics.testing.matchers import is_gauge

We can use both strings and numbers (or any matcher) for the value:

>>> assert_that(test_client,
...     contains(is_observation('c', 'request_c', '1'),
...              is_gauge('active_sessions', 320)))
>>> assert_that(test_client,
...     contains(is_observation('c', 'request_c', '1'),
...              is_gauge('active_sessions', '320')))
>>> from hamcrest import is_
>>> assert_that(test_client,
...     contains(is_observation('c', 'request_c', '1'),
...              is_gauge('active_sessions', is_('320'))))

If the matching fails, we get a descriptive error:

>>> assert_that(test_client,
...     contains(is_gauge('request_c', '1'),
...              is_gauge('active_sessions', '320')))
Traceback (most recent call last):
Expected: a sequence containing [(an instance of Observation and (an object with a property 'kind' matching 'g' and an object with a property 'name' matching 'request_c' and an object with a property 'value' matching '1')), (an instance of Observation and (an object with a property 'kind' matching 'g' and an object with a property 'name' matching 'active_sessions' and an object with a property 'value' matching '320'))]
       but: item 0: was Observation(name='request_c', value='1', kind='c', sampling_rate=None)



class FakeStatsDClient(prefix='')[source]

Bases: StatsdClient

A mock statsd client that tracks sent statsd metrics in memory rather than pushing them over a socket. This class is a drop in replacement for perfmetrics.statsd.StatsdClient that collects statsd packets and Observation that are sent through the client.

Changed in version 3.1.0: Like the normal clients, this object is now always true, whether or not any observations have been sent.


The number of metrics sent. This accounts for multi metric packets that may be sent.


Clears the statsd metrics that have been collected


Iterates the Observations provided to this statsd client.


Iterates the raw statsd packets provided to the statsd client.


Iterator of native strings.

property observations

A list of Observation objects collected by this client.

property packets

A list of raw statsd packets collected by this client.

See also



The statsd metric kind for Counters


The statsd metric kind for Gauges


The statsd metric kind for Sets


The statsd metric kind for Timers

class Observation(name, value, kind, sampling_rate=None)[source]

Bases: object

The representation of a single statsd metric.

kind = None

The statsd code for the type of metric. e.g. one of the METRIC_*_KIND constants

classmethod make(packet)[source]

Creates a metric from the provided statsd packet.


ValueError – if packet is a multi metric packet or otherwise invalid.

classmethod make_all(packet)[source]

Makes a list of metrics from the provided statsd packet.

Like make but supports multi metric packets

name = None

The metric name

sampling_rate = None

The rate with which this event has been sampled from (optional)

value = None

The value provided for the metric


is_counter(*, name, value, sampling_rate) matcher[source]

A hamcrest matcher validating the parts of a counter Observation.

See also


is_gauge(*, name, value, sampling_rate) matcher[source]

A hamcrest matcher validating the parts of a gauge Observation

See also


is_observation(*, kind, name, value, sampling_rate) matcher[source]

A hamcrest matcher that validates the specific parts of a Observation. All arguments are optional and can be provided by name or position.

  • kind (str) – A hamcrest matcher or string that matches the kind for this metric

  • name (str) – A hamcrest matcher or string that matches the name for this metric

  • value (str) – A hamcrest matcher or string that matches the value for this metric

  • sampling_rate (float) – A hamcrest matcher or number that matches the sampling rate this metric was collected with

is_set(*, name, value, sampling_rate) matcher[source]

A hamcrest matcher validating the parts of a set Observation

See also


is_timer(*, name, value, sampling_rate) matcher[source]

A hamcrest matcher validating the parts of a timer Observation

See also
