Source code for perfmetrics.interfaces

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interfaces for perfmetrics.

If zope.interface is not installed, this file is merely documentation.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# pylint:disable=no-self-argument,no-method-argument

    from zope import interface
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    class Interface(object):
    class Attribute(object):
        def __init__(self, descr):
            self.descr = descr
    class implementer(object):
        def __init__(self, *ifaces):
        def __call__(self, cls):
            return cls
    Interface = interface.Interface
    Attribute = interface.Attribute
    implementer = interface.implementer

[docs]class IStatsdClient(Interface): """ Interface to communicate with a StatsD server. Most of the methods below have optional ``rate``, ``rate_applied``, and ``buf`` parameters. The ``rate`` parameter, when set to a value less than 1, causes StatsdClient to send a random sample of packets rather than every packet. The ``rate_applied`` parameter, if true, informs ``StatsdClient`` that the sample rate has already been applied and the packet should be sent regardless of the specified sample rate. If the ``buf`` parameter is a list, StatsdClient appends the packet contents to the ``buf`` list rather than send the packet, making it possible to send multiple updates in a single packet. Keep in mind that the size of UDP packets is limited (the limit varies by the network, but 1000 bytes is usually a good guess) and any extra bytes will be ignored silently. """ def close(): """ Release resources (sockets) held by this object. .. versionadded:: 3.0 """ def timing(stat, value, rate=1, buf=None, rate_applied=False): """ Log timing information in milliseconds. *stat* is the name of the metric to record and *value* is the timing measurement in milliseconds. Note that Statsd maintains several data points for each timing metric, so timing metrics can take more disk space than counters or gauges. """ def gauge(stat, value, rate=1, buf=None, rate_applied=False): """ Update a gauge value. *stat* is the name of the metric to record and *value* is the new gauge value. A gauge represents a persistent value such as a pool size. Because gauges from different machines often conflict, a suffix is usually applied to gauge names; this may be done manually or with `MetricMod`. """ def incr(stat, count=1, rate=1, buf=None, rate_applied=False): """ Increment a counter by *count*. Note that Statsd clears all counter values every time it sends the metrics to Graphite, which usually happens every 10 seconds. If you need a persistent value, it may be more appropriate to use a gauge instead of a counter. """ def decr(stat, count=1, rate=1, buf=None, rate_applied=False): """ Decrement a counter. This is the opposite of :meth:`incr`. """ def set_add(stat, value, rate=1, buf=None, rate_applied=False): """ Add a *value* to the set named by *stat*. A StatsD set counts the unique occurrences of events (values) between flushes. For example, if you wanted to count the number of different users logging in to an application within the sampling period, you could use something like:: def on_login(user_id): client.set_add("logged_in_users", user_id) While this method accepts the *rate* parameter, it may be less useful here since the point is to let the StatsD server collect unique events automatically, and it can't do that if some events are dropped, making it only an estimate. .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 """ def sendbuf(buf): """ Send a UDP packet containing string lines. *buf* is a sequence of strings. """