Source code for perfmetrics.wsgi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Optional WSGI integration.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from .statsd import statsd_client_from_uri
from .clientstack import client_stack as statsd_client_stack
from .metric import Metric

[docs]def make_statsd_app(nextapp, _globals=None, statsd_uri=''): """ Create a WSGI filter app that sets up Statsd for each request. If no *statsd_uri* is given, returns *nextapp* unchanged. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 The returned app callable makes the statsd client that it uses available at the ``statsd_client`` attribute. """ if not statsd_uri: # Disabled. return nextapp client = statsd_client_from_uri(statsd_uri) nextapp = Metric('perfmetrics.wsgi')(nextapp) def app(environ, start_response): statsd_client_stack.push(client) try: return nextapp(environ, start_response) finally: statsd_client_stack.pop() app.statsd_client = client return app